Selection Standard for the Swedish Armed Forces

The Swedish Armed Force, consisting of the Swedish Army, Air Force, Navy, Reserves, and Home Guard. At this point, gender-neutral conscription is in place. Their main task consists of protecting Sweden and defend the country against attacks from foreign nations. They also are very much involved in international peace operations.

Motto: "Göra Skillnad För Andra"
Translation: Making a difference for others"

Established in: "1521"
Re-Established in: "1975"

To join, one must be a Swedish Citizen and have a clean public record. You will go through to 4 - 11 months of basic training.

Chart Standards Forsvarmakten
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Pushups + 8 reps + 18 reps + 23 reps + 28 reps
2 Sit-Ups + 10 reps + 30 reps + 50 reps + 60 reps
3 Vertical Jump + 30 cm + 40 cm + 45 cm + 50 cm
4 Extension Holds + 60 sec + 110 sec + 135 sec + 160 sec
5 Flexed Hang + 15 sec + 40 sec + 53 sec + 65 sec
6 Beep test 8.8 9.8 10.3 10.8
7 400 M. Swim The aspirant is not allowed to swim back stroke
8 2000 K Run -13:30 min -11:30 min -10:30 min -10:15 min

This test involves 8 different exercises:

1. Pushups
2. Sit-Ups
3. Vertical Jump
4. Hyperextension Isometric Holds
5. Flexed Arm-Hang Holds
6. Beep Test
7. 400 Meter Swim
8. 2000 Meter Run

Not sure what the proper sequence of the events are and some numbers are fictive. However passing requirements and max requirements are correct.