Physical Fitness Test Ejercito Mexicano

The Mexican Army, Ejercito Mexicano, has been involved in several wars. It is in charge of defending the national and internal interests of Mexico and also protecting and supporting the civilians of Mexico.

Established in: "1913"

Motto: Siempre Leales
Always Loyal

To be selected for the army one must meet the minimum height requirements of 163 cm, which equals to 5ft 3. Women need to be at least 160 cm tall (5ft 2). The conscript service obligation has been active since 2012. Candidates cannot have a criminal record. Candidates cannot have visible tattoos on their body, and those who they have, cannot have more than 10% of their body covered. No tattoo can be bigger than 10cm by 10cm.

Both the army and the Navy have respective special forces groups. They have the G.A.F.E. (Groupo Aeromovil de Fuerzas Especiales) and the FES (Fuerzas Especiales). The second trains with the Navy Seals on occasion.

Chart Standards Ejercito Mexicano
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. 1 M. Tower Jump Jump into the water and perform the second event
2. Swim 25 meters 1 and 2 Events combined are pass / fail events.
3. Broadjump + 150 cm + 175 cm + 200 cm + 225 cm
4. 100 Meter Sprint - 22.0 sec - 17.0 sec - 15.0 sec - 13.0 sec
5. Pullups + 4 reps + 8 reps + 10 reps + 12 reps
6. Sit-Ups + 17 reps + 25 reps + 33 reps + 40 reps
7. Balance Test Walk on a bar. This is a pass / fail event.
8. 2800 Meter Run 12:00 min 11:45 min 11:30 min 11:15 min
Pre-Selection Fitness Test Mexican Army

This test involves 8 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. Mind you that the passing requirements are the official ones. The test starts in the swimming pool, which is followed by several evolutions on the track or in the gym. Candidates also undergo various psychological tests. Certain questions you will be asked are... do you read books and magazines, or do you party? The reason why candidates go through psychological testing is to see if the candidate would fit the profile of a healthy soldier. Candidates also have to undergo medical and toxicological testing. The candidates won't be allowed to the Examen de capacidad fisica. The physical requirements for women are less difficult but still stringent. For example women, instead of at least running 2800 meters, need to run 2400 meters in 12 min.

Physical Requirements and Information from other units
UK Army US Army Bundeswehr
US Navy US AirForce Bundesheer
I.D.F. Forsvaret P.L.A.
Japan S.D.F. US Marines Forsvarsmakten
For MsigWarrior Blog, click here
All other available units, click here

Mexican Military School

There are various Mexican military Schools in Mexico, in Spanish "Escuela Militario de Mexico". to enter, one must be single and not live with a partner. They also need to remain single and without children, until they finish their studies. There are more than 10 Military Schools in Mexico. Those are separated into 3 types. Some universities prepare people solely for military life, polytechnic universities, and universities. One of the biggest ones is the Heroic University of Mexico.

Credo Del Soldato

Soy soldado, por que en mi pecho se anida; el amor a la patria, la veneración a sus héroes, y el respeto a la ley.

Soy soldado; porque la disciplina es mi norma; el valor mi gran anhelo; el honor mi firme causa, y el deseo de servirle a mi país; la meta de mi vida.

Soy soldado; porque a mi cuerpo lo impulsan; la voluntad de luchar; el ansia de la victoria, y una sed insaciable; de saborear el triunfo, y paladear la gloria.

Soy soldado; porque me siento orgulloso; del uniforme que porto; de las insignias que me honran, y de la bandera que guardo.

Soy soldado; porque me encuentro sujeto; por lazos indisolubles de fraternal hermandad; con todos mis camaradas.

Soy soldado; porque estando en el activo; mi vida es la nación; mi familia es el ejercito, y mi hogar es el cuartel.

Y aun cuando deje la tropa; seguiré siendo soldado; porque siempre que yo escuche la música inconfundible, y las vibrantes estrofas de nuestro himno nacional, o me encuentre de civil al frente de la bandera; recordare mi saludo; me descubriré en el acto, y en la posición de firmes; se humedecerán mis ojos.

Y aun cuando deje la tropa; seguiré siendo soldado; porque siempre que reciba el batir de los tambores, y el toque de las cornetas, o el triñar de los clarines con el rodar de las piezas, y el trotar de los caballos; deseare salir tras ellos; al lugar donde marchan.

Y aun cuando deje la tropa; seguiré siendo soldado; porque siempre que la patria lo llegara a requerir; estaría sin vacilar con las armas en la mano; junto con mis camaradas en la línea de combate.

Y aun cuando deje la tropa; moriré siendo soldado; porque ya en mi testamento he dejado establecido; que me lleven a la tumba con mi uniforme de campaña, y como regio sudario, para el eterno descanso de mis humildes despojos; que utilicen los colores de la gloriosa bandera; que siempre encauso mi vida.

Mexican Military Creed

I am a soldier because in my chest is the love for the homeland, for its heroes, and the respect for the law.

I'm a soldier; because discipline is my standard; courage my great desire; honor my first cause, and the desire to serve my country; the goal of my life.

I'm a soldier and my body is compelled to the will to fight; the will to victory and an unquenchable thirst to taste the triumph, and taste the glory.

I'm a soldier and I feel proud of the uniform that I wear; of the insignia that I honor, and the flag that I keep.

I'm a soldier and I am subject to an unbreakable bond with all my comrades and fraternal brotherhood.

I'm a soldier, and I am an asset; my life is the nation; my family is the army, and my home is the barracks.

And even when I leave the troop; I will continue to be a soldier; because I always listen to the unmistakable music, and the vibrant stanzas of our national anthem or I am in civilian clothes in front of the flag; I will remember my greeting; I will discover myself on the spot, and in the firm position; my eyes will moisten.

And even when I leave the troop; I will continue to be a soldier; because whenever I receive the beat of the drums, and the sound of the cornets, or the trill of the bugles with the rolling of the pieces, and the trotting of the horses; I want to go after them; to the place where they march.

And even when I leave the troop; I will continue to be a soldier; because whenever my country needs me I would be without hesitation with weapons in hand; along with my comrades on the front line.

And even when I leave the troop; I will die like a soldier; because I have already established in my will; that they take me to the grave in my field uniform, and as a royal shroud, for the eternal rest of my humble dispossession; to use the colors of the glorious flag; that is the trial my life.

Mexican Army Fitness Test Video
Mexican Army Training

In Mexican Army Training, candidates learn everything about the institution of the military, in classrooms, and during field exercises. Newly admitted members are transforming from civilian to military. They go through long phases of physical training and learn how to conduct themselves as members of the Mexican Army or Air Force. Training is separated into 3 phases. There is the Individual Combat Training Phase, Specific Training, and Unit Training. Furthermore, Mexico has in total of 8 Special Forces Units, coming from the ranks. They are highly trained and specialized. Their calisthenics consists of rope climbing, gym training, and monkey bar climbing. Basic training usually lasts about 8 weeks. Soldiers will also train with live-fire exercises at one point in time.

Mexican Army Test
Characteristics Ejercito Mexicano

For one to join, one must come with certain traits, such as responsibility, loyalty, and patriotism. They also need to be disciplined and believe in honor and honesty. Respect for human rights is also a very important characteristic of every soldier.