Japan SDF Physical Fitness Test

The Japanese SDF, Self Defense Force is the Japanese Military. It is divided into different groups: Ground, Air, and Maritime. Their main objective is peacekeeping missions and protecting Japan itself. They are also prepared to fight at the front lines of any theatre if needed.

Japan has a long military history dating back to the Japanese Empire in 1868. Back then that department was 6 million men strong. The Japanese army has a special force unit called "Tokushusakusengun".

Established in: "1954"

Translation: Prepared and Stubborn

There is no conscription for the Japanese Army. You have to be 18 years old to join. Women, as well as men, are allowed to join. Listed below are the requirements to join the Army based on the old fitness test.

Chart Standards Japanese SDF
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. Pushups + 25 reps + 45 reps + 55 reps + 80 reps
2. Abs + 33 reps + 50 reps + 60 reps + 82 reps
3. 3000 Meter Run - 16:20 min - 13:20 min - 11:30 min - 10:38 min
4. Pullups + 3 reps + 10 reps + 15 reps + 17 reps
5. Long Jump + 3.30 meter + 4.20 meter + 4.70 meter + 5.10 meter
6. Ball throwing + 20.00 meter + 40.00 meter + 50.00 meter + 60.00 meter
Before Selection J.D.F.

This test involves 5 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. Usually, this test is not performed at the beginning of enrollment but after a couple of weeks. More importantly, candidates are physically examined. Their weight and heigh ratio plays an important role, their urine will be analyzed, etc.. They also go through further medical checkups and are interviewed by the staff. For the fitness test, the max time for pushups and situps in 2 minutes. The 3000-meter run is performed on a track. You are allowed to attempt the pull-ups again after dropping from the bar. The ball throw is performed with a softball. 1 in 7 candidates will not pass the test.

Physical Requirements and Information from other units
UK Army US Army Bundeswehr
US Navy US AirForce Bundesheer
I.D.F. Forsvaret P.L.A.
Mex Army US Marines Forsvarsmakten
For MsigWarrior Blog, click here
All other available units, click here

Basic Training SDF Japan

Basic training lasts from April to September, lasting 4 months. Candidates will go through various physical fitness tests during training. They wake up at 6 AM and their day finished at 11 PM. 6:30 AM is breakfast. Training starts at 8:00 AM. Physical training is conducted in connection with martial arts as well. At noon is lunchtime. Then candidates will head to the shooting range at 1 PM. This is followed by weapons cleaning and then again physical fitness training at 4 PM. Usually at 5 PM Training ends. Dinner is at 6 followed by downtime. 9:30 PM is time for laundry and irons your clothes.

Japan SDF Fitness Test Video

私は、自衛官候補生たるの名誉と責任を自覚し、日本国憲法及び法令を遵守し、常に徳操を養い、人格を尊重し、 心身を鍛え、知識をかん養し、政治的活動に関与せず、専心自衛官として必要な知識及び技能の修得に励むことを誓います。

Oath SDF Soldiers

I am aware of the honor and responsibilities of being an SDF candidate, I respect the Japanese Constitution and Japanese laws, I constantly nurture my beliefs and virtues, I work on my personality I train my mind and body, broaden my knowledge, and participate in political activities. I pledge to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills needed to be dedicated to the SDF.

Japan SDF Test
Facts Japanese SDF

Every few years the Japanese conducts shooting competitions. Some members of the SDF train daily to win those events.

The average retiree of the Japanese SDF is in his mid-fifties.

For anyone to join the SDF of Japan, the person must come with a sense of wanting to help those people who are in need, a sense of wanting to protect the society and the human people in that society. The SDF needs soldiers with a calm spirit and who are completely reliable. The SDF also believes in the hierarchy. Therefore if the soldier or candidate does not believe in that he might as well not join.