United States Army Rangers Fitness Test

Image by FortBenningPhotos on Adobe Stock

The 75th Ranger Regiment is an airborne unit of the U.S. Army. Their history dates back to Colonial America. They are some of the toughest guys in the U.S. Military.

Motto: "Rangers Lead the Way"
Established in: "1950"

To be able to join the unit, one must be a U.S. Citizen and qualify for a Top Secret Security Clearance. You also need to be an active-duty soldier and make it successfully through RASP (Ranger Assessment and Selection Process). Once R.A.S.P. is completed, the candidates will also usually have to get through Ranger School, either immediately or soon after.

Rangers are known to go through a variety of sensitive missions. They live and learn by the Ranger Handbook:

- “Don’t ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won’t be ambushed.”

- “Don’t sleep beyond dawn.”

Army Rangers Physical Requirements
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Pushups + 58 reps + 78 reps + 88 reps + 98 reps
2 Sit-Ups + 69 reps + 89 reps + 99 reps + 109 reps
3 5 Mile Run - 40:00 min - 35:00 min - 32:00 min - 30:00 min
4 Pullups + 6 reps + 12 reps + 15 reps + 20 reps
5 Water Survival Assessment Pass / Fail Event. One must be fully clothed in full gear and jump into water
6 12 Mile Ruck March - 3:00 Hours - 2:40 Hours - 2:35 Hours - 2:30 Hours
    R.A.S.P. 1st Phase

The First Phase of R.A.S.P. consists of lots of Physical Training. Most days consist of 10 hours of training. Calisthenics, Flutterkicks, Pushups, Pullups, Firemen carry, Windsprints, Ruck Marches and Ruck Runs, Monkeybar training, Log PT and Team PT, 30 feet rope climbing and 6 feet wall climbing. This phase is known to weed out lots of motivated candidates. At first, candidates need to score an average of 60% on the APFT. Throughout the first phase, the average score increases to 75%. A candidate can fail the first phase by not being able to score enough points on a Ranger History Test, which also includes the writing of the 6 stanzas of the Rangers Creed.

Physical Requirements from Other Units
For Other U.S. Units, click below
Army Green Berets Delta Force
MARSOC AirForce PJs Navy Seals
For Other International Units, click below
K.S.K. Austrian Jakdo British S.A.S.
G.S.G. 9 GIGN Bordo Bereliler
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here
R.A.S.P. 2nd Phase

The second Phase of RASP is less of physical testing. At this point, the remaining candidates are all in physical top shape. the candidates will be more specialized. The learning of shooting and fighting skills are emphasized. Also, they will learn to maneuver through the combat diver's course, learn explosives and breaching techniques of different types of doors. They will also go through lots of mental evaluations such as the Shipley IQ test, the Jackson Personality test, the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory), and a Pre-Lie test, similar to what candidates of E6 and up have to go through in their RASP 2.

R.P.A.T. Rangers Workout

The Ranger Physical Assessment Test is part of the RAW Assessment. It is conducted either as a teambuilding, a ranger buddy, or an individual exercise. For this evaluation, the ranger wears a full-body uniform and helmet. It consists of 1. 2-mile run, 2. 20-foot rope climb and controlled descent, 3. 100-yard sled drag, 4. 20-foot caving ladder climb, 5. 200-yard sprint, 6. 8-foot wall climb, 7. 1-mile run

Rangers are expected to complete R.P.A.T. in sub 40 min

Abram's Charter

"The Ranger Battalion is to be an elite, light, and most proficient infantry battalion in the world. A Battalion that can do things with its hands and weapons better than anyone. The Batallion will contain no "hoodlums or brigands" and if the battalion is formed from such persons, it will be disbanded. Wherever the battalion goes, it must be apparent that it is the best".

Roger Rangers Standing Order

1. Don't forget anything.

2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, 60 rounds powder and ball and be ready to march at a minute's warning.

3. When you're on the march, act the way you would if you were sneaking up on a deer. See the enemy first.

4. Tell the truth about what you see and what you do. There is an army depending on us for correct information. You can lie all you please when you tell other folks about the Rangers, but never lie to a Ranger or officer.

5. Don't take a chance you don't have to.

6. When we're on the march, we march single file, far enough apart so one shot can't go through two men.

7. If we strike swamps or soft ground, we spread out abreast, so it's hard to track us.

8. When we march, we keep moving till dark, so as to give the enemy the least possible chance at us.

9. When we camp, half the party stays awake while the other half sleeps.

10. If we take prisoners, we keep 'em separate until we have had time to examine them, so they can't cook up a story between 'em.

11. Don't ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won't be ambushed.

12. No matter whether we travel in big parties or little ones, each party has to keep a scout 20 yards ahead, 20 yards on each flank, and 20 yards in the rear, so the main body can't be surprised and wiped out.

13. Every night you'll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior force.

14. Don't sit down to eat without posting sentries.

15. Don't sleep beyond dawn. Dawn's when the French and Indians attack.

16. Don't cross a river by a regular ford.

17. If somebody's trailing you, make a circle, come back onto your own tracks, and ambush the folks that aim to ambush you.

18. Don't stand up when the enemy's coming against you. Kneel down, lie down, hide behind a tree.

19. Let the enemy come till he's almost close enough to touch. Then let him have it and jump out and finish him with your hatchet

First Phase Selection Test Video
9 Attributes of a U.S. Ranger:

1. Character
2. Intellect
3. Emotional Stability
4. Ability to follow directions
5. Exhibit Ranger Attributes
6. Mentally Alert
7. Physically strong
8. Morally straight
9. Heart of a Ranger

Quotes of Army Rangers:

"You have to live hard, to be hard"
"A Ranger is a Ranger first and foremost"
"You earn your ranger scroll every day"
"The ranger creed is sacred to all Rangers. It is not a poem. It is a way of life"

Rangers Creed

Recognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my Ranger Regiment.

- Acknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.

- Never shall I fail my comrades. I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, one hundred percent and then some.

- Gallantly will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well-trained soldier. My courtesy to superior officers, neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.

- Energetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.

- Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I will be the lone survivor.

Rangers, lead the way.