Green Berets - U.S. Army Special Forces

Image by Bart Sadowski on Adobe Stock

The Green Berets, Army Special Forces, are highly intelligent and professional soldiers of the U.S. Military. They are mostly known for being experts in unconventional warfare, but their expertise reaches far beyond that.

Motto: "De Opresso Liber"
Translation: To Free From Oppression

Established in: "1952"

There is the Pre S.F.A.S. and S.F.A.S. (Special Forces Assessment and Selection) that are designed to keep the best-suited candidates for the complex missions a Green Berets is involved. To join, one can either be an already enlisted soldier or come from an officer candidate school. Another option is to come 'directly from the street' through the XRAY Program (Option 18X) as a civilian. The age entry requirement is to be between 20 and 36 years of age.

Green Berets Fitness Test
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Swim Pass or Fail. 50 meter fully geared
2 Pushups + 63 reps + 68 reps + 72 reps + 77 reps
3 Situps + 68 reps + 73 reps + 77 reps + 82 reps
4 Pullups + 6 reps + 10 reps + 14 reps + 17 reps
5 2 mile run -13:42 min -13:36 min -13:18 min -13:00 min
5 5 mile Ruck run w/ 65 lbs -75:00 min -65:00 min -57:00 min -50:00 min

This test involves 5 different exercises, which include the regular Army Fitness Test. It is to note that for the green berets, one must look at the requirements for age rank 17-21, instead of their real age. For this test, the average of the Xray candidates is taken as a passing standard of 260 points on this modified test.

During S.F.A.S., the candidate will go through Log P.T., Ruck marches, and Orienteering, the Nasty Nick Event, and Star Land Navigation, which is about 13 - 16 miles long in distance.

Physical Requirements from Other Units
For Other U.S. Units, click below
Army Army Rangers Delta Force
MARSOC AirForce PJs Navy Seals
For Other International Units, click below
K.S.K. Austrian Jakdo British S.A.S.
G.S.G. 9 GIGN Bordo Bereliler
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here
Green Berets - Selection

For one to become a Green Berets, they have to successfully master several courses. The majority of candidates who start their Special Forces journey will not make it. The next phases after S.F.A.S. last about a year. Candidates will go through Green Beret history, will be pushed through SERE school, will be trained in advanced marksmanship, counterinsurgency, and live-fire drills, and be inserted into a fictitious country where all the skills learned will need to be applied. The candidates will go then into advanced language training, before earning the coveted Green Beret.

Other Green Berets Workout Evaluations:

- 5-mile run = max cut off time 40 min

Green Beret XRay Program

As previously mentioned, the option to join as a civilian is possible. A candidate has to attend successfully certain courses before getting to S.F.A.S. The third course is mentally and physically demanding to S.F.A.S. Standards.

1. Infantry One Station Unit Training (17 weeks long)
2. Army Airborne Jump School (3 Weeks)
3. Pre S.F.A.S. (24 days)

Selection & Assessment Test Video
Green Berets Qualities and Skills:

1. Intelligence
2. Moral Fortitude & Character
3. Adaptability & Flexibility
4. Creative Thinking
5. Interpersonal Skills
6. Teacher and Leader
7. Foreign Language skills
8. Cross-Cultural Intelligence
9. Physical Ability
10. Mentally toughness

Quotes of Green Berets

"A special forces soldier must be able to navigate with a map, a compass and a protractor under any conditions"

"Don't be late, don't be light, don't be lost, and don't be last"

Standards U.B.R.R Fitness Test
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Pushups + 40 reps + 50 reps + 55 reps + 60 reps
2 Sit-Ups + 40 reps + 50 reps + 55 reps + 60 reps
3 Pullups + 6 reps + 12 reps + 18 reps + 24 reps
4 Dips + 6 reps + 16 reps + 26 reps + 36 reps
5 Benchpress + 6 reps + 11 reps + 16 reps + 21 reps
6 Rope Climb Rope climb with a 20 lbs weighted vest 20 feet up
7 Kip-Ups + 6 reps + 11 reps + 16 reps + 21 reps
8 Shuttle Run - 24:00 sec - 23:00 sec - 22:00 sec - 21:00 sec
9 5 Mile Run - 40:00 min - 37:30 min - 35:00 min - 32:30 min
Upper Body Round Rubin

It gained popularity in the show "Selection". This test is considered to be one of the routines that special forces soldiers and special operations force soldiers undergo from time to time.

This test involves 9 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. There is only a minimal break in between each exercise. If performed by multiple soldiers, another can start at a different exercise and circuit to the next exercise. The max time for pushups and sit-ups is 1 minute. No time cap for Pullups and Dips. The Benchpress has to be performed with 80% of the Bodyweight of the participant. The shuttle run is 25 meters x4.

    Special Forces Green Berets Creed

I am an American Special Forces soldier. A professional! I will do all that my nation requires of me. I am a volunteer, knowing well the hazards of my profession.

I serve with the memory of those who have gone before me: Roger's Rangers, Francis Marion, Mosby's Rangers, the First Special Service Forces and Ranger Battalions of World War II, The Airborne Ranger Companies of Korea. I pledge to uphold the honor and integrity of all I am - in all I do.

I am a professional soldier. I will teach and fight wherever my nation requires. I will strive always, to excel in every art and artifice of war.

I know that I will be called upon to perform tasks in isolation, far from familiar faces and voices, with the help and guidance of my God. I will keep my mind and body clean, alert, and strong, for this is my debt to those who depend upon me. I will not fail those with whom I serve. I will not bring shame upon myself for the forces.

I will maintain myself, my arms, and my equipment in an immaculate state as befits a Special Forces soldier.

I will never surrender though I will be the last. If I am taken, I pray that I may have the strength to spit upon my enemy.

My goal is to succeed in any mission - and live to succeed again. I am a member of my nation's chosen soldiery. God grant that I may not be found wanting, that I will not fail this sacred trust.