G.S.G. 9 (Grenzschutzgruppe 9) is a very strong police force in Germany. They are at the top of the food chain when it comes to skillset and efficiency. Formed after the disaster terrorism attack at the Olympic Games in Munich in the year 1972, they learned their craft by Israel Special Forces and from other country's special units.
They can be compared to the Hostage Rescue Team of the F.B.I. and are mainly trained for terrorism situations,
kidnappings, and raids. Even though they are considered to be police, they operate internationally as well.
Motto: "Geführt wird von vorne"
Translation "Lead from the front"
Established in: "1972"
To be able to join this special unit, one must first go through a regular police formation. At the beginning of training,
one must be under 34 years of age.