F.B.I. Physical Fitness Test

Image by Manuel MC on FlickR.com

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, short F.B.I., is the intelligence and security service of the U.S., which operates inside and outside of the U.S.

Motto: "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity"

Established in: "1908"

The F.B.I. Physical Fitness Test is a test that agents have to take several times throughout the hiring process. Therefore, if you are interested in joining the Federal Bureau of Investigations, you should be in top shape. Candidates who would like to join the F.B.I. hostage rescue teams have much higher physical standards.

FBI Oath: I [name] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Standards F.B.I. - P.F.T.
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Sit-Ups + 39 reps + 45 reps + 54 reps + 58 reps
2 300 M Sprint -49.49 sec -46.09 sec -42.99 sec -40.99 sec
3 Pushups + 40 reps + 50 reps + 61 reps + 71 reps
4 1.5 mile run -11:34 min -10:34 min -9:34 min -8:59 min
5 Pullups + 8 reps + 16 reps + 20 reps
    Selection Process FBI

Before even making it into the famous Quantigo Academy, one must first go through various steps. It begins with the initial application, where it will be determined if you meet eligibility and suitability requirements. Those who are deemed eligible will be invited to take a computerized test in areas such as Logic-Based Reasoning, Figural Reasoning, Personality Assessment, Preferences and Interests, and Situational Judgment. During Step 3 candidates have to self-evaluate themselves on their P.F.T., critical skills, and reported languages. Step 4 consists of a review process of your material and a meet and greet session.

Step 5 is a writing assessment and a structured interview in front of three Special Agents. Step 6 is the actual PFT. During Step 7, based on the P.F.T., the candidate receives a Conditional Appointment Offer (CAO). Step 8 is a thorough Background Investigation. Successfully passing a background investigation and the candidates will be eligible for the BFTC (Basic Field Training Course) in Quantico.

Physical Requirements - other units
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Secret Service S.W.A.T. Delta Force
MARSOC DevGru AirForce PJs
G.S.G.9 G.I.G.N. G.I.S.
U.E.I. B.O.P.E. Eko Cobra
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Life in Quantico:

Quantico consists of 4-5 months of 800 hours of constant learning, training, fighting, swimming, mental testing, simulations, shooting drills, and more. The candidates live together in a dormitory. They learn how to question someone through basic and advanced intelligence techniques, they learn about the law, forensic science, counterterrorism, counterintelligence, cybercrime, and criminal investigation. They learn how to handle any case upon graduation.

Core Values of the F.B.I.

- Rigorous obedience to the Constitution of the United States;
- Respect for the dignity of all those we protect;
- Compassion;
- Fairness;
- Uncompromising personal integrity and institutional integrity;
- Accountability by accepting responsibility for our actions and decisions and the consequences of our actions and decisions;
- Leadership, both personal and professional; and
- Diversity.

F.B.I. Fitness Test Video
8 Core Competencies of an F.B.I. Agent:

1. Collaboration
2. Communication
3. Flexibility & Adaptability
4. Initiative
5. Interpersonal Ability
6. Leadership
7. Organizing & Planning
8. Problem Solving and Judgement

    F.B.I. Facts and Information

10,000+ candidates apply each year to become FBI Agents. From those 10,000 applicants, only about 1,100 will make it into the Quantico FBI Academy. Around 850 candidates become F.B.I. agents after the selection and training process.