U.S. Secret Service Physical Fitness Test

The U.S. Secret Service, known to protect P.O.T.U.S. (President of the United States) and also the first lady, actually have as their main task to serve the U.S. Treasury.

Motto: "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity"

Established in: "1865"

Secret Service Oath: “I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

To join, one must come with a lot of patience, as the vetting process takes a lot of time. Most applicants will not get through the vetting process and some will fail the polygraph test. 1% of applicants make it to Pre-Selection.

Chart Standards U.S. Secret Service
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Pushups + 38 reps + 46 reps + 50 reps + 55 reps
2 Chinups + 5 reps + 7 reps + 9 reps + 11 reps
3 Sit-Ups + 23 reps + 38 reps + 42 reps + 47 reps
4 1.5 mile run -14:13 min -12:51 min -11:41 min -10:16 min
Secret Service Entry Exam

The Fitness Entry Exam or USSS Physical Fitness Test is a test, which candidates have to take at the beginning, during the middle, and at the end of their training. Also once established, most members have to take the test and pass it quarterly. The passing standard listed here won't get you through if you pass all 4 exercises with low numbers. Passing gives you 1 point in that category. Each candidate has to at least score 10 points in total, which means the candidate should strive for "Great" and "Gold".

Physical Requirements - Other units
All other available units, click here
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For MsigWarrior Blog, click here

Secret Service Bootcamp

At first, candidates come to the James J Rowley Training Center for Pre-Selection. Those who are selected furthermore will go to the Federal Law Enforcement Center for Bootcamp for 3 months, and then return to the James J Rowley Training Center for another 3 months of specialized training. The second phase of bootcamps focusses on advanced driving (protective transportation training), marksmanship, and go through real-life scenarios. Candidates are judged on their behavior when it comes to role-played scenarios, as well as on screen-based scenarios, where they have to react to, for example, a forward charging man with a broken bottle. They will also be tested. On Marksmanship, they need to get an 80% score to not be kicked off the course. Their hand to hand combat lessons are extremely intense. Candidates have to prove controlled aggressivity in hours of hand to hand. They are drilled to perform their duty instinctively.

Secret Service Selection Video
Secret Service Training

Recruits also spend hours in the pool, having to prove themselves in various scenarios. They will also have to deal with tear gas during training and WMD training, where they learn a lot about chemical weapons. They also run a lot of 3 miles during training. They of course learn how to protect the president, by using their own body to cover him or her. Most scenarios will be played out in a fake town, where there are approximately 37 different buildings, including airports, cafes, hotels, and various empty housings. Active Officers, even though having spend hours, during Bootcamp, on the Range, come back to train their shooting skills often, as this is a very necessary skill to have. Out of the year those who protect the president, spend 12 weeks training again, where they trained during Bootcamp. This means that every 2 months, 2 weeks of those will be spent in intensive training again. Training will never stop for those protecting POTUS.

Secret Service P.F.T.

Quote of an Agent called Mixon: "Americans sleep well in their beds because rough men (and rough women) stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm them!"

Secret Service Facts

One Agent is quoted in Business Insider: "The Secret Service has a 0 fail mission,..., You Don't Get a Bad Day in the Secret Service. If you have a bad day, and you don't do your job, you're going to change the world." This means basically that recruits and Secret Service Officer need to be on their A-Game at all times.

Secret Service Character

Type A personalities, who are keen to extreme details, meticulous, almost OCD and who can act within the parameters of the law; Characters who are highly intelligent, and who can get the job done, no matter what their political party preference is. They also want Characters who can control themselves and who are not revengeful.