G.O.P.E. Examen de capacidad física óptima

Picture by Hans Scott on FlickR.com

The Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales de Chile is the elite police of Chile. They are used on a federal level and are known to be very professional. They are trained for all kinds of situations, but mostly bomb disposal, counter-terrorism, and other dangerous situations. They are training a lot in the water and the mountains.

Established in: "1979"

In a military competition called "Ejercicio Fuerzas Comando 2005", they placed 3rd behind Colombia and Ecuador.

Motto: "Actitud, Aptitud, Juicio y Disciplina"
Attitude, Aptitude, Judgment, and Discipline

About 300 police officers from all over the country apply every year, 60 of the 300 will be invited for selection, but only 50% of those will be able to finish the course and join GOPE.

Chart Standards Grupo de Operaciones Policiales Especiales
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. Pushups + 6 reps + 35 reps + 45 reps + 56 reps
2. Pullups + 8 reps + 10 reps + 11 reps + 12 reps
3. 380 M. Sprint - 1:07 min - 1:02 min - 1:00 min - 0:59 min
4. 2400 M. Run -12:30 min -11:00 min -10:30 min -10:00 min
5. Crunches + 56 reps + 66 reps + 71 reps + 76 reps
6. Rope Climb + 3 Meter + 5 Meter + 6 Meter + 7 Meter
7. Swim 200 Meter Swim. Fail/Pass Test
8. Tread Water For 2 min. Fail/Pass Test.
9. Distance Diving Fail/Pass Test
10. Dive Test Fail/Pass Test

The Physical Fitness Test of G.O.P.E. starts with a max set of pushups in 1 minute. Candidates only receive short breaks in between the next exercises. There is no time limit on the pullups. After the sprint and the run, the candidates need to perform crunches for 1 min. This is followed by a 3-meter rope climb. There is a little break in between the next exercises, as they will be performed in water. A 200-meter swim is immediately followed by a 2 min water tread. Once that is accomplished, a distance dive of 20 meters need to be accomplished. This is followed by the last event, which is a Dive test.

Before being able to join G.O.P.E., one must have enrolled in the police school of Chile "Carabineros de Chile". To do so, one must be Chilean, single, at least 1.68 meters tall and aged 18 to 25. You have to have graduated from high school and need to have two letters of recommendation from non-relatives filled with the application.

Physical Requirements from Other Units
For Other Units, click below
T.O.E. B.O.P.E. Panama Policia
G.S.G. 9 GIGN Eko Cobra
G.E.O. U.E.I. Policia España
F.B.I. S.W.A.T. G.I.S.
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here

After the initial physical test, the aspirant will go into a 13-month formation, which is divided into 2 semesters, where there will be specialized in lots of different areas such as shooting techniques, explosives training, rescue diving, parachuting, mountain rescue, people protection, winter and snow survival training. They will also climb the "Cerro El Plomo" mountain, found in Chile, which is 5500 meters high.

G.O.P.E. Fitness Test Video

Furthermore, G.O.P.E., trained with the Colombian Police in "Jungle Warfare" for 30 days, to acclimatize to certain areas in Chile to fight rural crime.

They are tasked with various tasks throughout the years. They protected Prince William of England and saved various tourists.

The character traits a GOPE-Operator should be of a courageous personality. He and she should be strong psychologically, strong physically, and someones who acts within the contrasts of the law and should never act outside of the law. The GOPE-Operator should come with a deep vocation of service and dedication to the community. They are sought to generate peace conditions and security in the community.

G.O.P.E. is known to have a woman in their ranks as well. She is the only one sofar, who made it in this highly specialized unit.

G.O.P.E. came recently into negative news, as far as violent action geared towards citizens. They also started to be called "Jungle Commando".

They were also in charge of training the Panamanian Police and Border Security.