South Africa Special Task Force Physical Fitness Test

South African Special Force Task, the "Taakies", the elite police of the SAPS, is in charge of tasks that the regular police cannot handle. They also are specialized in counterterrorism and hostage rescue.

Motto: "You have never lived till you have almost died and for those who fight for it, life has a flavor the protected will never know

Established in: "1976"

To join, one must be at least 21 years old, has to have successfully passed the 6 months basic police college training, and has worked as a cop in South Africa for 2 years. The individual also has to be a South African Citizen.

Special Task Force Workout
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. 5 KM Run in under 18 minutes
2. Pullups + 5 reps + 10 reps + 15 reps + 18 reps
3. Sit-Ups + 60 reps + 85 reps + 95 reps + 105 reps
4. Pushups + 35 reps + 45 reps + 50 reps + 55 reps
5. Suicides - 65 sec - 60 sec - 56 sec - 52 sec
6. 300 M Swim 10:00 min 9:30 min 9:00 min 8:30 min
7. Ruck March 20 K with 20 KG Ruck in 3 1/2 hours
Pre-Selection Fitness Test STF

Before making it to pre-selection, one must receive a recommendation letter from their officer. To get to Selection, Candidates need to pass the Physical Fitness Test. This test involves 7 different exercises, which will be performed back to back. There is no time cap for pull-ups; There is a time cap for Sit-ups (2min) and Pushups (1min). One should aim to perform at a great level. This will give you better chances to make it to the next phase. You will be kicked off the course if you cannot perform to a passing standard. Those candidates who make it through Pre-Selection will go into Prepcon Phase (Preparation and Cont).

Physical Requirements - Other units
All other available units, click here
Recces GSG9 GIGN
UEI BOPE Eko Cobra
JTF2 CSOR Navy Seals
Policia Policia Polizei
Police SAS Army Rangers
NZSAS KSK Alpha Spetsnaz
SASR JTF2 Sayeret Matkal
For MsigWarrior Blog, click here

South Africa STP PREPCON and Vasbyt phase

This course lasts 3 weeks and prepares the candidates for the next grueling stage of Selection, called "Vasbyt". Candidates will have to learn to overcome sleep and food deprivation already at this point. Vasbyt lasts 90 hours. Those 90 days consists of

Special Task Force Training South Africa
More information STP South Africa

Special Task force South Africa is known to perform on average 750 operations a year.