Operações Especiais Fitness Test

Picture by Zabelin on 123rf.com

The Portuguese "Centro de Tropas Operações Especiais" is one of the special forces units from the Rapid Reaction Brigade of the Portuguese Army. They have another special unit within this club of special operators called DOE, who are similar to Delta Force and British SAS.

It is a unit that has a very special status in the Portuguese Population. They are also called Rangers. They are surrounded by a certain myth in the Army of Portugal.

Motto: "Que os muitos por ser poucos não temamos"
Translation: "May the many be few, let us not fear"

Established in: 1960

Besides the listed physical test, the candidates need to also go through personality tests, intelligence tests, some cognitive tests, medical tests, individual interviews, and a personal aptitude test to see if they fit into the unit, and what their specialization could be.

Chart Standards Portuguese Commandos
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 2500 M Run 12:00 min 11:30 min 11:00 min 10:45 min
2 Push-Ups + 32 reps + 40 reps + 48 reps + 56 reps
3 Pullups + 5 reps + 10 reps + 15 reps + 20 reps
4. Burpees + 35 reps + 40 reps + 45 reps + 50 reps
5. Sit-Ups + 40 reps + 45 reps + 50 reps + 55 reps
5. Ruck March with 15 KG in Max 120 minutes
6. Plank Walk Pass / Fail Event over a 5 meter high plank.
7. Ditch Jump Pass / Fail Event. 3 meters over a ditch.
8. Swim swim - underwater swim - jump
9. Obstacle Events Rope Jump - Obstacle Course - Rope Climb - Wall Climb

Pre-Selection Test SOF Portugal

This test involves 9 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. 2500 meter run, is followed by pullups. Followed by a 15 KM Ruck March with weapon and 10kg in 120 minutes. The candidates then need to face their fears walking over a 5-meter high plank, called Passagem de Pórtico. They then have to jump into over a 3-meter long ditch, Salto da Vala. This is then followed by lots of water tests consisting of a 25-meter swim, 10 meters underwater swim and an 8-meter tower jumps into the water.

The candidates then need to overcome various obstacles such as Passagem de Túnel Labirinto, a Jump onto a rope, the Tarzan Net Obstacle Course, a climb a 5-meter rope while using your feet, and climb a 5-meter high wall.

Physical Requirements and Information from other units
Comandos K.S.K. JW Grom
JakDo GRUMEC Delta Force
DevGru SAS Kampfschwimmer
Bordo Bereliler Recces Commando Marine
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here
All other available units, click here

Selection Phase C.T.O.E.

One candidate made it through pre-selection, they will have to go through 6 months of selection and a year of specialization. They will undergo the COE - Special Operations Course which lasts for 21 weeks. They learn counter-insurgency, counter-guerilla warfare, insurgency and guerilla warfare, direct action, military aid, and other things. This is followed by a 14-week sniper course, a long-range recon patrol course for 2 weeks, recon and direct action operations for another 8 weeks, a psychological operations course, a mountaineering course, and a course on preventing and combating terrorists.

Commandos Portugal Test Video
CTOE Ranger Creed

The Ranger is self-disciplined and obedient. The Ranger resists hunger, thirst, tiredness, and comfort.

The Ranger is always ready because of his preparation and for his beliefs in the mission. The Ranger consciously evaluates all his decisions, never turning his face away from danger.

The Ranger has confidence in his bosses, respects them, and is respected by his subordinates. The Ranger is humble in victory and patient in adversity.

The Ranger regulates his behavior to honor and duty. The Ranger prides himself on his mission, devotes himself with enthusiasm and selflessness.

The Ranger is loyal and his patriotism is the noblest of its virtues. The Ranger constantly challenges himself to uphold his firm will and his unconquerable values.

CTOE Entry Test

Facts CTOE Portugal

During Selection, the candidates will face constant hunger, day and night, the pressure to eat quickly, sometimes eating a meal within 5 minutes. Sometimes the meal is a biscuit or a piece of fruit for the entire day. Physical exercises and mental tests never stop. During Selection they will also jump from a bridge in the dark into the water. They will build shelters and hide, they will swim, run, march for sometimes 6 hours, for sometimes 12 hours or for sometimes 24 hours.

Characteristics of CTOE Operators are Mental Resiliency, Mental Toughness, Physical Fitness, Self-Confidence, and the will to succeed. The Special Operator cannot let passions or emotions affect his performance or his mission. Discipline and Motivation also play a key factor in becoming a CTOE Ranger operator.