Turkey Commando Fiziki Testlerde

Turkish Commandos, other elite soldiers of Turkey, are trained for various scenarios. They are specialists in counter-terrorism and are ready to be deployed at any time. Turkish Commandos wear blue berets. There are in total 16 Commando Units. Three units stand out: Komando Tugayı, Hakkâri Dağ, and Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tugayı. The father of all Commando Units is Komando Tugayı.

Motto: "Güçlüyüz, Cesuruz, Hazırız"
Translation: Strong!, Brave!, Ready!

Established in: "1965"

To join one of the units, one must be younger than 27 years old, have to have served for at least 5 years, have at least a high school degree, have Turkish citizenship, and can be either male or female.

Turkey Commando Physical Fitness Test
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. 1500 Meter Run - 8:10 min - 7:00 min - 6:30 min - 6:00 min
2. Pushups + 30 reps + 55 reps + 65 reps + 75 reps
3. Pullups + 4 reps + 10 reps + 13 reps + 15 reps
4. 50 Meter Parcour 84.00 sec 78.00 sec 70.00 sec 65.00 sec
5. 50 Meter Crawl - 2:10 min - 1:40 min - 1:10 min - 1:05 min
Pre-Selection Test Komando Turkiye

This test involves 5 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. The max time for the pushups is 2 minutes. Candidates need to score high to get into selection. Therefore candidates should focus on the good to gold numbers. A candidate must at least score a passing grade in each category, else it is an automatic out. Sit-Ups are also part of the test. It is said that a candidate should be able to perform 70 sit-ups, as well.

Selection Turkey Commando

Selection lasts 6 months in total. Candidates go through Mountain Commando School and also go through a Training Center Commando Phase. Both are extremely tough. Candidates undergo lots of theoretical training, physical training, such as rope climbing, obstacle courses, and lots of calisthenics. They will be mentally trained and mentally tested. They will be trained in Close Quarter Combat Training. Candidates will have to disassemble and reassemble weapons blindfolded within seconds, learn how to shoot with various weapons, will be trained in first aid, inland navigation, and in explosives training. They have to manage to overcome survival in difficult terrain in extreme weather conditions for a couple of days without any food. They will undergo training in the snow, and in mountain regions, will train under extreme pressure with live ammunition, hand to hand, and will undergo parachute training. They are also further specialized in sniping.

Commando Fitness Test Video
Turkey Commando Training

Commando Soldiers are known to eat at least 4,900 calories due to their extreme training. They usually sing the "Komando Andı", which gives them power in whatever situation. Here is a snippet of it:

Güneş Bu Diyardan Bir Başka Doğar
Komando Bu Düşmanı Çelik Pençesiyle Boğar
Gururlanın Ey Analar Sevinin Ey Bacılar

The Sun Rises Again and another day is here
Commandos Strangles their Enemy With their Steel Claw
Be proud, O Mothers, Rejoice, O Sisters.

Their training does not stop once they pass Selection (Basic Training). They will continue training hard to be ready for any situation. They are known to train rappelling from a huge tower leading into the water.

Turkey Commando Workout
Turkey Komando Quotes

Güçlüyüz cesuruz hazırız kommandoyuz
Commandos are strong, brave, Commandos are ready

Komando vurulunca değil unutulunca ölür
The commando dies when he is forgotten, not when he is hit

Onursuzca teslim olup şerefsizce yaşamaktansa onurumuzla savaşır şerefimizle öῘürüz. Biz Komandoyuz
Rather than surrender and live with no honor, we fight with our honor, we learn with our honor. We are Commandos.