Georgian Special Forces Selection Test

Not known for their special forces unit, the military in Georgia has very legitimate special force operators called G.S.O.F., Georgian Special Operation Forces. Their nickname is "the Vicious". Their also other units, such as the Commandos, the Marine Corps Special Forces, Internal Affairs Special Forces, Border Police Department, and furthermore. GSOF was first trained by the US Special Forces.

Special Forces are trained for Direct Actions, Counterterrorism, Counterinsurgency, unconventional warfare, amphibious, military counterintelligence, etc..

Established in: "1999"

To be eligible for the special forces selection, one must go through Georgian Ranger School, Sniper School, and Airborne School. The Georgian Citizen cannot be shorter than 170 cm, not older than 31 years, and not younger than 21. Less than 10% of the selectees make it through the cumbersome 4 stage selection. Women are allowed into Special Forces, however, they are prohibited from combat roles.

Modified Special Forces GSOF test
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. Pushups + 60 reps + 70 reps + 80 reps + 90 reps
2. Sit-Ups + 66 reps + 75 reps + 85 reps + 95 reps
3.1. 3200 M Run -14:24 min -13:30 min -12:00 min -11:00 min
3.2 8000 M Run -38:00 min -36:00 min -34:00 min -32:00 min
4. Pullups + 8 reps + 12 reps + 16 reps + 20 reps
5. Dips + 16 reps + 24 reps + 32 reps + 40 reps
6. Tower Jump Jump from a 10 meter Tower into water
7. Weighted March - 4:15 Hours - 4:00 Hours - 3:45 Hours - 3:30 Hours

Physical Fitness Test G.S.O.F.

The physical test listed is a mixture of the entry requirements between different phases of ranger school, sniper school, and airborne school, combined with the entry requirements for the Special Forces school. The highest passing standards are taken. This test involves 7 different exercises, which have to be completed in the following order: Highlighted is the official requirements for Special Forces School. The 8000-meter run, the 25KM weighted march, Dips, and the Tower Jump are only requirements for "Ranger School". If you decide not to, or hesitate too much from jumping from the Tower, you will be excluded from Selection. The training is conducted by Nato Special Forces. Pre-Selection consists also of a lot of theoretical and intelligence testing.

Selection GSOF

To go through all different selections, the applicant will spend a total of 91 weeks in training. One event not passed, could destroy the dream of the aspirant. The physical part of the selection process is only minimal in comparison to the mental and learning aspects. Also, it is to note that Special Force selection only consists of 31 weeks, almost 8 months. This course touches a lot of various subjects. At any time, a candidate can be kicked off the course. The not yet Special Forces Soldiers of GSOF undergo hand-to-hand fighting, marksmanship, communication, mountaineering, medical and tactical training, and so forth. They then undergo specialization training as a medic, demolitions and weapons specialist. They will also undergo further specialization such as an amphibious course, as well as pistol marksmanship. They can also further specialize and go through Sniper School, which would last another 12 weeks.

G.S.O.F. Fitness Test Video
GSOF Georgia Training

In 1999, the US Special Forces, Green Berets, started training Georgian Soldiers from Scratch. The idea behind it was to get them also ready to be able to fight in the hot regions in the world. Some of the first trainees never fired a single weapon and came through the 10 months, a special force soldier. The training pipeline continued for another 5 years. Their training usually consisted of intense 6 days week, always, and sometimes 7 day weeks. 100 days of their training was conducted in the fields. The Georgian Special Forces are also known to eat delicious food. Of course, this might not be the case during some parts of the Selection, but they are known to feed the best of the Best, the Best Food.

სამხედრო ფიცი

მე, საქართველოს მოქალაქე, შევდივარ რა სამხედრო სამსახურში:
ვფიცავ, პირნათლად მოვიხადო ჩემი მხედრული ვალი საქართველოს წინაშე;
ვფიცავ, კეთილსინდისიერად შევისწავლო სამხედრო საქმე, ღირსეულად განვაგრძო წინაპართა მხედრული ტრადიციები;
ვფიცავ, მტკიცედ დავიცვა სამხედრო დისციპლინა, როგორც სახელმწიფოს ძლიერების საფუძველთა საფუძველი;
ვფიცავ, შევინახო მონდობილი სამხედრო საიდუმლოება, შევასრულო სამხედრო წესდების ყველა მოთხოვნა და მეთაურის ბრძანება;
ვფიცავ, მტკიცედ დავდგე საქართველოს სადარაჯოზე და სიცოცხლის უკანასკნელ წუთამდე ვიბრძოლო მტერზე გამარჯვებისათვის.
თუ ამ ფიცს გავტეხ, პასუხისმგებელი ვიქნები ღვთისა და ქვეყნის წინაშე. გვფარავდეს ღმერთი.

Military Oath

I, a citizen of Georgia, enter the military service:
I swear to do my best to pay my debts to Georgia;
I swear to be studious and learn the military history in good faith and to honor the ancients traditions of the military;
I swear to defend military disciplines as the basis of the strength of the state;
I swear to keep military secrets secret, to comply with all the requirements of the military statute and comply with the command of the commander;
I swear to stand firm for Georgia and fight until the last minute of my life to defeat the enemy.
If I break this oath, I will be responsible before God and held responsible on earth. may God protect us.

GSOF Workout
More information GSOF

There were previously women who made it through, selection, outworking the men of their training class, but still not allowed to fight in combat scenery.

Georgia and Poland train every year together. They undergo multiple training team sessions, such as “tactical training, parachute insertion, CQB [close-quarter battle] training, and other events... All those events are performed together with and against the Commando Special Forces.

The Ranger Course is very similar to Ranger school for US Army Rangers.

In one selection year, 800 applied for Special Forces, 240 were invited to training, and at the end, only 44 were able to call themselves GSOF Operators.