Z.S.S. Physical Fitness Test

Picture by 7th Army Training Command on FlickR.com

ZSS, short for "Zapovjedništvo Specijalnih Snaga" is the special force unit of the Croatian Armed Forces. This unit's members' identities are hidden; their tasks remain secret, and they were formed out of the former BSD unit, which existed until December 2014. Their nickname is "Green Berets". They are involved in every major conflict around the globe. Their main tasks are Direct Action, Special Reconnaissance, and Surveillance. Their missions also include a spectrum of other military tasks. They learn from other units from all around the world, as well as units from all around the world learn from them.

Motto: Viribus unitis
Translation: With United Forces

Established in: 2015

In order to join this unit, one must have 9 months of prior military service. One must have first passed first level of non-commissioned officer training, and cannot be older than 28 years of age.

Zapovjedništvo Specijalnih Snaga Standards
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. 300 M Swim - 6:00 min - 5:30 min - 5:00 min - 4:30 min
2. Underwater Swim 25 meters
3. 8000 M Run Max time is 60 min with 10KG Ruck
3. Tower Climb Climb 18 m tower and walk along its edges

Z.S.S. Selection

The Pre-Selection Fitness test is immediately followed with drills for 16-18 hours a day. Those drills consist of Walking, Running, and theoretical and practical military knowledge. Hell week starts in week 4, where candidates are allowed 4 hours of sleep in total during the first 3 days. Then for the next 80 hours, they are not allowed to sleep at all, while they have to remain alert.

Z.S.S. Basic Training

Furthermore, the candidates have to go undergo various phases of Training, which are all considered to be eliminative. You don't pass one phase, and you are out. Approximately 10% to 15% of candidates will become ZSS Operators. They are trained and tested to function under extreme stress and have to persevere. They are tested in teams, in the air, on land, and at sea. They will also spend 10 days in the wild, a long stay in nature without contact with the outside world, have to adapt to complex conditions and weather conditions, and also spend time in extremely hot temperatures, where some candidates will drink 8 liters a day to endure. The candidates will have to meet precisely defined criteria in order to make it. They will spend time 3 days in captivity, where they will be interrogated and tortured. In the end, after 6 months, those members who are considered fit for the unit will take the Oath for the ZSS at a bonfire. This is followed by 2 years of training before the candidate can be considered fully operational.

Z.S.S. Fitness Test Video
Zapovjedništvo Specijalnih Snaga Prisega

Bože, daj mi tisućljetnu hrabrost hrvatskih vitezova i snagu hrvatskih legionara. Bože, daj mi ponos svih hrvatskih utvrda, koje i danas ponosno stoje i pokazuju hrvatsku snagu. Iznad svega, bože, molim te da mi pomogneš da ostanem živ, ali ako je potrebno da umrem, neka umrem kao heroj - commando, glasi molitva najelitnijeg odreda Hrvatske vojske.

ZSS Croatia Military Oath

God give me the ultimate courage of the Croatian Knights and the Strength of the Croatian Legionnaires. God give me the pride of all Croatian Fortresses, which still stand proudly as of today, and display Croatian Strength. Above all, God, I ask you, to help me stay alive, but if I need to die, let me die as a Hero.

Attributes of a Z.S.S. Operator:

The attributes needed of a ZSS Operator are teamwork, precision, situational awareness, to be an excellent shooter, and remain extremely calm at all times.