S.O.B.T. Physical Fitness Test

Picture by Zabelin on 123rf.com

The Special Elite Police Unit SOBT (СОБТ or Специализиран отряд за борба с тероризма of Bulgaria was shrouded in secrecy for many years. They are the Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Country. They are charged with V.I.P. Protection, hostage rescue, and many more. If a regular police unit is not up for the task, SOBT takes over. S.O.B.T. is part of the Atlas European Network of Elite Police Units.

Established in: 1979

Usually, the candidates who show up for the pre-selection test are former members of the Bulgarian Military. Only 5 to 10% of the candidates will make it into the unit. Preference is given to candidates under 30 years of age.

S.O.B.T. Standards
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. Broadjumps 260 cm 280 cm 290 cm 300 cm
2. Rope Climb 6:00 sec 5:30 sec 5:00 sec 4:00 sec
3. Pullups 16 Reps 20 Reps 24 Reps 28 Reps
4. 60 M Sprint 7.8 sec 7.0 sec 6.5 sec 6.0 sec
5. Over-Under Bar-Swings 12 Reps 14 Reps 16 Reps 18 Reps
6. Pushups 50 Reps 60 Reps 70 Reps 80 Reps
7. 3200 M Run 12:30 min 12:00 min 11:30 min 11:00 min

Bulgarian SOBT Pre-Selection

Besides having to go through a hard physical fitness test, candidates will undergo a medical examination, memory tests, general knowledge tests, psychological testing, IQ testing an interview with team members. The Rope Climb is a 5-meter high rope climb. Over-Under Bar Swings is a gymnastic exercise where the candidate swings over the bar flip and finish back in the starting position. This counts as one rep.

S.O.B.T. Bulgaria Selection

Once a candidate is successfully selected, he will undergo a 9-month training course before being able to join one of the assault teams. They will learn how to master the art of capturing buildings, cars, buses, trains, planes, and ships. They will be trained in advanced driving, shooting while moving, and shooting out of various positions and in various scenarios. They will also be trained to a high level of skill set in Karate, Kickboxing, and Ju- Jutsu. The candidates will be trained to an extreme level, and will then be tested every 3 months to see if they can keep their level up. their training becomes even more specialized. They will also go through diving and parachute training, they will go through mountain school and operational combat technique school, and advanced marksmanship. They will become also expert snipers and will undergo specialized physical training.

S.O.B.T. Fitness Test Video
Training S.O.B.T. Operator:

Once the candidates have successfully joined one of the units, their level of skillset will be maintained through daily training. After 4-5 years the Operator becomes efficient enough to be considered a veteran.