Minentaucher Physical Fitness Test

Image by Andrea Bienert

The German Minentaucher are special forces soldiers of the Bundeswehr. They are a handful of elite soldiers, trained to withstand extreme conditions and tasked with mine clearance especially. They are trained for duty on land, but mostly underwater. Yearly, more than 100 Soldiers apply for the selection and usually, less than 20 are invited to partake in the selection process. From those 20, less than half will finish the formation successfully.

Motto: "Nec Aspera Terrent"
Translation "Frightened by no Difficulties"

Established in: "1957"
Reformed in: "2014"

To be able to join this special forces unit, the candidate has to already have accomplished the AGA Ausbildung. Furthermore, they need to be willing to enlist into this unit for at least 8 years. It is not possible to jump into the selection by being a civilian. The candidate cannot be older than 29 years of age and have to be a German Citizen.

Physical Standards Minentaucher

# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Pushups 40 reps minimum
2 Benchpress w/ 50kg + 10 reps + 15 reps + 20 reps + 25 reps
3 Situps + 90 reps are the minimum needed
4 Dips + 31 reps are needed
5 Static Apnoe + 45 seconds. If a candidate fails, one retry allowed
6 Water Deep Dive test Dive 5 Meter deep and retrieve 2 rings from the ground.
7 5 KM Run - 23:00 min - 22:00 min - 21:00 min - 20:00 min
Auswahlverfahren Minentaucher

After the relatively easy EAV, which is the Eignungsauswahlverfahren, the candidate will go through further testings, which become increasingly harder. The candidates will be tested in various underwater challenges during the next 5 weeks in the "HallenPhase". HallenPhase entails only swims in the swimming pool. Tests include a 5-meter dive with fins, swim mask, and a snorkel. Once the candidate reaches the bottom of the pool, he needs to take off his equipment and swim-up. He has a couple of minutes to rest in the water, before heading back down to put his gear back on. Once this is done, he needs to blow out the bubbles from his snorkel and head back up to the surface.

Physical Requirements and Information from other units
For Other German Units, click below
Bundeswehr KSK Kampfschwimmer
For Other International Units, click below
Navy Seals JW Formoza Commando Marine
MARSOC Recon Marines Seal Team Six
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here

- Distance diving (Streckentauchen) = 40 meters, which could take up to 2 min.
- 10 Meter Towerjump with Clothes and a weighted belt. The candidate has to take off his clothes and then walk across the pool and slowly emerge by using the steps
- Night Dives, which usually consists of distance Dives
- Simulation of a Helicopter crash at Nighttime. The candidates need to escape the sinking helicopter.
- Various jumps from the Helo into open water (Diving, head first and toes first)

Minentaucher Fitness Test Mid-Selection

# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1 Apnoe March - 2:00 min - 2:15 min - 2:30 min - 2:45 min
2 Distance Diving + 50 Meter + 55 Meter + 60 Meter + 65 Meter
3 10K Run - 40:00 min - 39:00 min - 38:00 min - 37:00 min

Selection Phase Minentaucher

During Selection Phase. The listed test happens at the end of Week 5. This test is extremely hard and should only be done with precaution and medical staff on hand. The Apnea March is a test, where the candidate wears his weighted belt to remain submerged. He needs to now walk the length of the pool, turn to the side and find the steps and walk up those steps to surface.

Serien of Minentaucher:

A recruit has to perform Serien throughout the formation. They are used for general conditioning in between runs and in a form of punishment. One "Serie" consists of 50 Pushups, 50 Bicycle Situps, 50 Hinlegen und Aufstehen (A variation of Burpees). The instructor might make the recruit perform up to 12 Serien back to back, depending on what had happened. Sometimes the instructor might make the recruit swim a lane and then perform 50 Pushups, then swim another lane, followed by 50 Bicycle Situps.

An instructor once said: "Wenns einmal wehtut, dann kann es auch noch mal 6, 7, 8 x wehtun. Das ist dann kein Problem", which translates to If it hurts once, it can also hurt again another 6, 7, 8 x. That is not a problem then.

Usually, the instructor will hand cylinder-shaped objects, from the Beam of Pain to one of the recruits. The Beam of Pain is a wooden horizontal bar, where all the cylinders are standing on. The amount of cylinders determines how many Series the recruits have to do.

Marine Taucher Fitness Test Video

10 Attributes of a Marinetaucher:

1. Team player
2. Good Risk Evaluation abilities
3. Flexible
4. Ability to take responsible & fast decisions in extreme situations
5. Mentally resilient
6. Physically resilient
7. Top Shape
8. Courage
9. Strong willingness for high performance
10. Self-Confidence

Creed of Marinetaucher:

"Vom Land zum Meer – vom Meer zum Land".

Translation: From land to sea - from sea to land

    Marinetaucher Facts and Information

On the last day of the Selection, the candidates undergo a final test. That day begins with Serien as a warm-up, followed by a 20 KM run and 8KM Swim. In between the runs, the candidates will undergo further conditioning in form of crawling, firemen carry, squats, hill sprints, team log pt, team log running through mud, through river and series. At this point, it is a team exercise. If a recruit is hurt or has muscle spasm, the other recruits will help him to get to the goal. "Einer Trage des Anderens Last". They believe that no man is to be left behind.

Once the candidates finish the swim, they will undergo an interesting ritual. The new Minentaucher will line up and the already established Minentaucher will walk behind them and smack their behind. This and a glass of sparkling wine concludes the selection process. They are now officially part of the Marinentaucherkompanie.

During Selection, the candidates are only allowed to run from one place to another. They are not allowed to walk.

"Der Durchhaltewille sollte niemals stärker als das Trommelfell sein". This translates to The power of perseverance should never be stronger than the eardrum.

"Diese Leute müssen immer in der Lage sein, weltweit zur jeglichen Klimabedingung, im Dunkeln, bei Kälte und bei Nacht zu 100% zu funktionieren. "These people must always be able to operate worldwide at a 100% in all clima conditions, whether in darkness, in cold and at night.

"They are considered to be "Die coolsten Fische unter den Soldaten". Translation: "The calmest and collected fishes among the soldiers" "These people must always be able to operate worldwide at a 100% in all weather conditions, whether in darkness, in cold and at night.