This is the other physical fitness test for the German Military. This test used to be the standard for the German Military until it was replaced by the Basis Fitness Test in 2010. Click here for more information about the B.F.T. There are some places such as the K.S.K. Entry Test and Officer School, where a modified version of the P.F.T. is used for their respective entry or yearly requirement test.
Motto: "Schützen, helfen, vermitteln, kämpfen" *
"To protect, help, moderate, and fight"
Established in: "1955"
German Oath : „Ich schwöre, das Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und alle in der
Bundesrepublik geltenden Gesetze zu wahren und meine Amtspflichten gewissenhaft zu erfüllen, so wahr mir
Gott helfe.“
ENG: I swear to protect the 'Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany' and all German laws,
and will fulfill all my official duties with good conscious, so help me God.