Picture by Marinha do Brasil on FlickR.com

GRUMEC, Grupamento de Mergulhadores de Combate is the special forces unit of the Brazilian Navy. In 1964, 4 Brazilian Soldiers went through UDT Training in the U.S. Other Brazilian Soldiers went through French Navy Training. Through the experience of those Soldiers, Grumec was formed. G.R.U.M.E.C. is considered one of the most lethal units in the world. They specialize in Unconventional Warfare, Hostage Rescue, Direct Actions, and Counter-Terrorism. The special unit of this special force is called GERR-MEC.

Established in: "1974"

Motto: "Fortuna Audaces Sequitur"
Translation: Fortune follows the brave

To join the Navy, one must be a Brazilian Citizen. Furthermore, as young as 15 years old, the candidate can join the Brazilian Naval School to start getting trained for military life. To join GRUMEC, one must be male. Only 6 out of 20 will make it the grueling selection process.

Chart Standards GRUMEC
# Exercises Pass Good Great Gold
1. Cooper Test +2800 Meter +3000 Meter +3100 Meter +3200 Meter
2. Rope Climb + 4 Meter + 5 Meter + 6 Meter + 8 Meter
3. Squats + 90 reps + 100 reps + 110 reps + 130 reps
4. Pullups + 8 reps + 12 reps + 14 reps + 16 reps
5. Sit-Ups + 46 reps + 54 reps + 58 reps + 62 reps
6. Pushups + 35 reps + 55 reps + 65 reps + 75 reps
7. 100 M. Swim - 1:55 min - 1:45 min - 1:35 min - 1:15 min

This test involves 7 different exercises, which have to be completed in the listed order. It is to mention that the candidates are not allowed to use their legs to climb the rope. The max time for Squats is 2 min and as well for the Sit-ups, which have to be performed with crossed arms. The pushups are also done within a 2 min frame. You have to make it through each task to join the Selection Phase.

Candidates Shame of not passing GRUMEC

For those Candidates who do not make it through the process, they will be shamed with their numbers on a cemetery, attached to a gravestone, also called the "ceremony for the weak".

Physical Requirements and Information from other units
For Other Units, click below
B.O.P.E Navy Seals ARD
KSK Kampfschwimmer Commando Marine
NORSOF MARSOC Bordo Bereliler
Royal Marines Army Rangers S.A.S.
JW Formoza JakDo Recces
For General Fitness information and MsigWarrior Blog, click here
Special Combat Diver Course - GRUMEC

During Selection Phase, which lasts 9 months, the candidates will be tested further. They will have to increase their cooper test and be able to run 3 KM in 12 min. They have to swim 10 km in the open sea carrying loads of equipment. They will have their feet & hands tied and swim 100 meters. During Selection, Candidates have to also endure the GRUMEC version of Hell Week. During Hell week, the Candidates are captured and become prisoners to endure extreme mental pressure and physical exhaustion. This phase lasts about 100 hours without any rest.

GRUMEC Fitness Test Video
Grumec Training Course

One interesting routine, which the GRUMEC-Soldiers perform, is a run around training base, followed immediately by a jump into the river, where they have to swim a lap, climb out and continue running, climb up a steep hill, crawl through obstacles on the ground, climb high walls, climb up ropes and then climb down, overcome horizontally a lined rope and then run through the finish line. The average time for the candidates ranges from 11 minutes to 14 minutes.

Further training - Grumec

The candidates will be trained in self-defense (hand to hand combat), demolitions, communications techniques, special underwater operations, and so on. Trainees will also go through orienteering, parachuting, shooting and marksmanship, and lots of diving. They then also go through Amphibious Operations. They also go through Jungle Survival Training. They learn the methods of fast rappelling and free jump into the water without a parachute. After the selection phase, there will be another 9 months of specialization. Here the now, GRUMEC-Soldier will train with the team he is assigned to. This will be very specific and mission-specific training.

GRUMEC Fitness Test
Characteristics of a GRUMEC-Soldier

Huge self-control is needed by a Grumec-Soldier. Those on the team are considered to be able to resist anything. They are considered to be extremely rigid. Physical Stress is nothing to a Grumec-Soldier.

Grumec Facts

There have been Selection Phases where no one has finished the course successfully.